The fundus and the body of the uterus remain small until puberty, then they enlarge greatly in response to the estrogens secreted by the ovaries.
UTERUS AFTER MENOPAUSE: After menopause becomes smaller and less bloody .These changes occur because the ovaries no longer produce estrogen and progestrone(hormone).
 UTERUS IN PREGNANCY: During pregnancy, the uterus becomes greatly enlarged as aresult of the increasing production of ostrogene. At first it remains in the lower region of abdomen,but by the third month it has reached the the lower border of chest.
ROLE OF UTERUS IN labor( childbirth):The series of processes by which the baby and the placenta are expelled   from the sex organ canal  of the mother,normally this process takes place at the end of the tenth  month.The cause of start of labor is not definitely known.By the end of pregnancy, the contractility of the uterus has been fully developed in response to estrogen,.